Vanton Engineered Thermoplastic Pumps
Vanton not only pioneered the thermoplastic pump, they perfected it. In the 1950’s, Vanton developed a revolutionary all-plastic pump for use in conjunction with the first heart-lung device. The design limited fluid contact to only two non-metallic parts: a plastic body block and a flexible liner. This was the birth of the Vanton Flex-i-Liner rotary pump. The Flex-i-liner’s self-priming seal-less design makes it an industry standard for the handling of corrosive, abrasive and viscous fluids as well as those materials which must be transferred without contaminating the product.
Innovative from the start, Vanton now offers the most comprehensive line of thermoplastic pumps in the industry. The Vanton product development programs are dedicated to problem solving through close, personal customer involvement which helps Vanton pumps meet your requirements for trouble-free pumping of aggressive fluids and eliminating product contamination.
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These heavy-duty and rugged horizontal centrifugal pumps are designed, engineered and constructed to handle corrosive, abrasive and other aggressive fluids, as well as those liquids which must remain free of metallic contamination. CHEM-GARD pumps are available in a wide selection of thermoplastic and in ANSI/ISO2858, self-priming, close-coupled and integral pump/shaft motor designs.
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Flex-i-liner Pump |
Vanton FLEX-I-LINER peristaltic type rotary pumps transfer sample or meter acids, caustics, solvents, salts, chlorides and ultra pure chemicals – even viscous fluids to 1300 centistokes (6000 SSU) and slurries containing soft solids and abrasives. They are suitable for clear, volatile liquids as well as for vacuum service and gas transfer. Gentle pumping action permits pumping latex emulsions and other shear sensitive liquids.
These seal-less, self-priming pumps operate in either direction, wet or dry in any position. Unique design eliminates shaft seals, stuffing boxes, and other potential sources of leakage. Only two non-metallic parts contact fluid-the rugged body block and durable elastomeric flexible liner. Maintenance is easy and no special tools are required. Flows from .33 gpm to 40 gpm at pressures to 45 psig. Temperatures to 250°F.
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Every wetted component in a Vanton SUMP-GARD vertical pump, including the heavy-wall shaft sleeve is offered in PVC, CPVC, PP, PVDF and other non-metallic materials compatible with the pumped fluid. This eliminates corrosion and minimizes abrasion, resulting in lower maintenance, longer pump life, and contamination-free products. SG pumps are configured for sumps to 50 ft deep, and handle flows to 1450 gpm, heads to 245 ft, and temperatures to 275°F.
SUMP-GARD pumps are ideal for the transfer and treatment of process fluids, plant effluents and industrial or municipal water and waste streams. They are available with vortex pump heads to pass sludges, slurries and stringy materials as well as fluids with solids to 3 inches in diameter.
PUMP/TANK Engineered Systems
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DUPLEX Pump/ |
Vanton offers custom and standard, square, rectangular and cylindrical non-metallic pump tank systems in a wide choice of thermoplastics, thermosets, and plastic lined metal. Capacities to 5000 gallons. Double wall tanks with built-in leak detection, skid-mounted and mobile designs, and floating pontoon configurations can be furnished with the appropriate thermoplastic pumps, and all system control and monitoring devices including sensors, alarms, valves, actuators, and fully instrumented control panels. All wetted components are of homogeneous thermoplastics or other non-metallics, all of which resist a wide range of corrosive chemicals, making Vanton pump/tank systems the ideal choice for collecting, transferring and treating process chemicals as well as mixed and unknown wastes.